如何转到 Chrome 开发者工具中的特定文件?

我正在开发一个使用繁重的前端方法的 Web 应用程序.通过使用 Dojo 和 AMD 方式,我目前拥有可以轻松加载一百多个不同 javascript 文件的测试屏幕.

I am developing a web application with a heavy front-end approach. By using Dojo and the AMD-way, I currently have testing screens which may easily load over a hundred different javascript files.

当我想针对任何特定问题进行调试或验证是否看到特定文件的旧版本时,我发现很难在 Chrome 开发者工具的源"选项卡中找到我的文件.

When I want to debug for any specific problem, or verify if I am seeing an old version of a specific file, I find it really hard to find my files in the Sources tab in the Chrome Developer Tools.


Is there any shortcut or action I can make that will let me type the name of a file and will take me to the source of that file?


在源选项卡中使用 CTRL+O (+O for Mac)按文件名搜索脚本、样式表和片段.

While in the sources tab use CTRL+O (+O for Mac) to search scripts, stylesheets and snippets by filename.

(查看文件时使用 CTRL+SHIFT+O 过滤/导航到 JavaScript 函数/CSS 规则)

(use CTRL+SHIFT+O to filter/navigate to a JavaScript function/CSS rule when viewing a file)

[Chrome Devtools 备忘单]
