
2022-01-19 00:00:00 printing browser frontend javascript

是否可以在浏览器中使用带有 javascript 的打印机打印一些东西?

Is it possible to print something with a printer with javascript in the browser?


I want to print a receipt number, so if it's possible, what is the fastest printer so when the user clicks on a button it will print out eg. "1234" on a small paper.



您不能直接从 Javascript 访问打印机,但您可以调用 window.print() 这将启动标准浏览器打印行为.使用它,您可以尝试两种技术来实现您所追求的:

You can't access the printer directly from Javascript but you can call window.print() which will initiate the standard browser print behaviour. Using this, you could try two techniques to achieve what you're after:

就在调用 window.print() 之前,注入一个动态打印样式表,该样式表只显示带有您要打印的文本的元素.您需要小心清理任何以前的打印样式表.或者实际上您可以只使用一个元素 <div id="printable"> 这是您的打印样式表中唯一可见的元素,并在其中插入要打印的任何文本.(如果这是一个用户可能真正想要打印的网站,请注意)

Just before calling window.print() inject a dynamic print stylesheet that only shows the elements with the text you're wanting to print. You would need to be careful to cleanup any previous print stylesheets. Or in fact you could just use an element <div id="printable"> which is the only visible element in your print stylesheet and insert any text to be printed in that. (Just be mindful if this is a website which users may actually want to print)

也可以直接在 iframe 窗口上调用 print(),您可以在其中填充所需的文本.例如:

It's also possible to call print() directly on an iframe window, which you could populate with your desired text. For example:

var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');

iframe.onload = function() {
    var doc = iframe.contentDocument ? iframe.contentDocument : iframe.contentWindow.document;
    doc.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].innerHTML = "<p>1234</p>";

    iframe.contentWindow.focus(); // This is key, the iframe must have focus first

