如何通过 OAuth 客户端身份验证找到用户 YouTube 频道?

对于我正在构建的应用程序,我希望最终用户使用 gapi OAuth2 和从那里我希望应用程序在他们的 YouTube 频道上查找播放列表并加载它.

For the app I'm building I want the end user to login using gapi OAuth2 and from there I want the app to look for a playlist on their YouTube channel and load it.

getAuthInstance 方法返回一个带有 Google 用户名的对象.然而对于我自己的特定用户名,通过用户名查找频道 ID 的查询不返回任何结果.从一些 在线浏览来看,这显然是一个问题使用某些 YouTube 帐户.

The getAuthInstance method returns an object with a Google username. However for my own particular username, a query to find channel id by username returns no results. From some browsing online, this is apparently an issue with certain YouTube accounts.


Is there any workaround for this issue?


如果你有一个有效的 OAuth 2.0 认证/授权(例如,使用 GAPI 获得),那么确定很简单使用 Channels.list 使用参数 mine=true 查询的 API 端点:

If you have a valid OAuth 2.0 authentication/authorization (for example, obtained by using GAPI), then it's quite simple the determine the authenticated user's channel ID using the Channels.list API endpoint queried with the parameter mine=true:

mine (布尔值)
此参数只能在正确的授权请求中使用.将此参数的值设置为 true 以指示 API 仅返回经过身份验证的用户拥有的频道.

mine (boolean)
This parameter can only be used in a properly authorized request. Set this parameter's value to true to instruct the API to only return channels owned by the authenticated user.

在调用端点时,属性 id 返回的 Channels 资源 包含经过身份验证的用户的频道 ID.

Upon invoking the endpoint, the property id of the returned Channels resource contains the channel ID of the authenticated user.

关于 Javascript GAPI(即 Google 的浏览器端 JavaScript 客户端库)实现,代码如下所示(更广泛的上下文请查看 Google 的此示例源文件:analytics_codelab.js):

For what concerns a Javascript GAPI (i.e. Google’s Client Library for Browser-side JavaScript) implementation, the code would look like shown below (for a broader context look into this sample source file from Google: analytics_codelab.js):

var channelId;

function loadAPIClientInterfaces() {
  gapi.client.load('youtube', 'v3', function() {

function getUserChannel() {
  var request = gapi.client.youtube.channels.list({
    part: 'id',
    fields: 'items(id)',
    mine: true
  request.execute(function(response) {
    if ('error' in response) {
    } else {
      channelId = response.items[0].id;

请注意,上面的代码(与 analytics_codelab.js 中的代码不同)使用 fields 请求参数,用于从 Channels.list 端点仅获取频道的 ID 信息(从API 仅提供实际使用的信息).

Note that the code above (unlike that in analytics_codelab.js) uses the fields request parameter for to obtain from the Channels.list endpoint only the channel's ID info (it is always good to ask from the API only the info that is of actual use).
