从Javascript中的switch case内部中断for循环

必须用什么命令,才能跳出for循环,也是从//code inside直接跳转到//code after

What command I must use, to get out of the for loop, also from //code inside jump direct to //code after

//code before
for(var a in b)
        case something:
            //code inside
//code after


不幸的是,Javascript 不允许 break 遍历多个级别.最简单的方法是通过创建匿名函数来利用 return 语句的强大功能:

Unfortunately, Javascript doesn't have allow breaking through multiple levels. The easiest way to do this is to leverage the power of the return statement by creating an anonymous function:

//code before
(function () {
    for (var a in b) {
        switch (something) {
        case something:
                //code inside
//code after

这是可行的,因为 return 离开了函数,因此隐式地离开了循环,将您直接移动到 code after

This works because return leaves the function and therefore implicitly leaves the loop, moving you straight to code after

正如评论中指出的那样,我上面的答案是不正确的,可以进行多级breaking,如Chubby Boy 的回答,我已投赞成票.

As pointed out in the comments, my above answer is incorrect and it is possible to multi-level breaking, as in Chubby Boy's answer, which I have upvoted.


Whether this is wise is, from a seven-year-later perspective, somewhat questionable.
