创建 OpenID 登录小部件

2022-01-18 00:00:00 widget javascript html openid

我需要一个 OpenID 登录小部件,如 Stackoverflow 上的小部件或 Id Selector(已停止支持 RPXnow,这是一项商业服务).

I need an OpenID login widget like the one on Stackoverflow or Id Selector (which has been discontinued in favor of RPXnow which is a commercial service).


What is the best way to make these? Is there a framework or example implementation anywhere?


Google 有一个名为 Google Identity 的项目Toolkit (GITkit) 似乎使 OpenID 的东西变得非常容易.他们有自己的客户端库实现来配合它出现的 API 服务.

Google have a project called Google Identity Toolkit (GITkit) which seems to make OpenID stuff pretty easy. They have their own client library implementation to go with the API service it appears.

这显然是更广泛的 Account Chooser 项目的一部分,该项目还指向一个名为 登录助手,但这似乎是直接联系他们讨论使用的情况.

This is apparently part of a wider Account Chooser project, which also points to a Janrain implementation called Login Helper, but that seems to be a case of contacting them directly to discuss usage.

Janrain 还有一个免费社交登录产品,就是在撰写本文时(2012 年 4 月)最多可释放 2,500 名用户.它似乎支持比 Google 实现更多的提供程序,尽管 Google 表示他们将来会添加更多.

Janrain also has a free social login product, which is free up to 2,500 users at the time of writing (April '12). It seems to support many more providers than the Google implementation, although Google say they will be adding more in future.
