JSONP 与 IFrame?

2022-01-18 00:00:00 widget javascript html seo jsonp


Soon I'll be needing to build a widget that some of our clients can embed in their own websites.


To future proof my widget the embed code would be something like this:

<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/remote/file.js"></script>
<div id="my_widget"></div>

iframe 与 JSONP 的优缺点是什么?

What are the strengths and weaknesses of iframes vs JSONP?

iframe 是否存在任何常见的基于 SEO 的问题?

Are there any common SEO based issues with iframes?



First of all, iframes and jsonp are not mutually exclusive: one is a rendering mean, the other is a communication mean.

您的选择是在文档内包含(即在宿主 DOM 中创建小部件)或 iframe 内包含(即为小部件拥有一个新的、单独的 DOM)之间.

Your choice is rather between in-document inclusion (that is creating the widget within the host DOM) or in-iframe inclusion (that is having a new, separate DOM for the widget).

iframe 的优势在于沙盒:您的小部件与主机的 javascript 和 css 之间不会发生冲突.这意味着您可以安全地:

The advantage of an iframe is sandboxing: no collision between your widget and the host's javascript and css. That means you can safely:

  • 使用/定义任何你想要的 javascript 库
  • 使用简单的 html 代码和简单的 css 规则(这对维护来说是一个明显的好处)


  • iframe 很重,可能会严重减慢主机页面的渲染速度
  • iframe 也会消耗更多的内存和资源,如果主机页面针对移动设备,这可能是个问题

因此,如果可以合理地假设使用您的小部件的人愿意为此调整"他们的页面,请采用文档内方式.如果没有,请使用 iframe,但要了解限制.

So, if it is reasonable to assume people using your widget will be willing to "adapt" their pages for it, go the in-document way. If not, use an iframe but understand the limits.

对于 SEO 问题,只要您动态创建小部件(无论是在文档内还是使用 iframe),搜索引擎都不会看到它.我不知道这是否是你想要的,但这就是你会得到的;)

As for SEO issues, as long as you dynamically create the widget (whether it's in-document or with an iframe), search engines won't see it. I dunno if that's what you want, but that's what you'll get ;)
