用于可停靠面板/选项卡的 Javascript 库?

2022-01-18 00:00:00 widget layout javascript panel

在将 .NET 富应用程序转换为 Javascript 的过程中.人们非常喜欢的 GUI 功能之一是重新排列他们的应用程序布局.在 .NET 中,这是通过 Sandock 完成的:

In the process of converting a .NET rich application to Javascript. One of the GUI features folks liked a lot was to rearrange their application layout. In .NET this was accomplished via Sandock:


对于 Javascript 有类似的东西吗?

Anything like this for Javascript?


如果 ExtJS 不是你的菜,有一个相当不错的相同概念的 jquery 端口.

If ExtJS is not your cup of tea, there is a rather nice jquery port of the same concept.

http://layout.jquery-dev.net/demos.cfm(特别是 this)

Demos here:
http://layout.jquery-dev.net/demos.cfm (particularly this)
