在 Tumblr 中定义每个标签的样式

2022-01-18 00:00:00 themes tags html css tumblr


I would like to know how to define the specific style for specific tags. For instance, I would like to have my posts render a certain style if they're tagged with Croissant or Chocolate.


I think know I have to create a new class and I know I have to style this new class but I don't know how to do it.



您需要在主题中使用 {TagsAsClasses}.

You'll need to use {TagsAsClasses} in your theme.


For example, you'll need to write something like for your theme:

<div id="{PostID}" class="post {PostType} {TagsAsClasses}">
  <!-- ... -->

如果您的帖子是照片帖子并且带有Croissant 和Chocolate 标签,那么您的HTML 将变为:

If your post is a photo post and has the tags Croissant and Chocolate, then your HTML becomes:

<div id="post-26107509778" class="post photo Croissant Chocolate">
  <!-- ... -->

然后您可以设置 .Croissant 或 .Chocolate 类的样式:

and then you can set the styles for the .Croissant or .Chocolate classes:

.Croissant {
  /* add your styles here */

.Chocolate {
  /* add your styles here */

