是否可以更改默认的 html5 视频皮肤/颜色

2022-01-18 00:00:00 colors tags html video skin

是否可以更改默认 html5 视频播放器的颜色或完整的皮肤?

Is it possible to change default html5 video player's colors or complete skin?

<video id="sampleMovie" src="HTML5Sample.mov" controls></video>


没有办法重新设计浏览器原生 HTML5 视频控件的外观.但是,您可以完全省略它们(通过删除 controls 属性),并使用 HTML、CSS 和 HTML 视频 API 实现您自己的控件(很好的参考 这里).

There's no way of re-skinning the browsers native HTML5 video controls. However, you can omit them completely (by removing the controls attribute), and implement your own controls using HTML, CSS and the HTML video API (good reference here).


There's a guide here which will get you started.
