
我将旧的 auto_complete 插件与 在 gem 上充当可标记的角色,试图从根本上复制 Stack Overflow 本身的标记行为!我或多或少在做这个 rails cast 中描述的事情.对于单个标签,这很好用.但是,我真的很想这样做,以便每次用户输入空格或逗号(很像 Stack Overflow 上的),自动完成都会重新开始.我想有一些方法可以通过正则表达式来做到这一点,但我不确定如何将此行为应用于 text_field (我想使用 JavaScript 来重新启动"自动完成,但我承认我相当弱说到 JavaScript.这就是我的看法:

I am using the old auto_complete plugin in conjunction with the acts as taggable on gem in an attempt to basically replicate the tagging behavior of Stack Overflow itself! I am more or less doing what is described in this rails cast. For single tags, this works great. However, I would really like to make it so that every time the user enters a space or a comma (much like on Stack Overflow), the autocomplete will start anew. I'd imagine there is some way to do this via regex, but I'm not sure how to go about applying this behavior to the text_field (I'd imagine using JavaScript to "restart" the autocomplete, but admittedly I am fairly weak when it comes to JavaScript. This is what my view looks like:

<%= text_field_with_auto_complete :business, :tags, {}, { :url => formatted_businesses_path(:js), :method => :get, :with => "'search=' + element.value" } %>


My controller is very straightforward, simply saving the tags for that particular business.


If someone could point me in the right direction (As I'm not sure how to go about doing this) I would greatly appreciate it.


我知道这是旧的,但是为了重现这种行为,我使用了 rails3-jquery-autocomplete 与 acts-as-可标记的.它们可以很好地轻松地协同工作.

I know this is old, but to recreate this behavior I used rails3-jquery-autocomplete with acts-as-taggable-on. They work very nicely and easily together.

// Model
class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base
  acts_as_taggable_on :tags

// Controller
class FoosController < ApplicationController
  autocomplete :tag, :name, :class_name => 'ActsAsTaggableOn::Tag'

// Routes
resources :foos do
  collection do
    get :autocomplete_tag_name

<% form_for :foo do |form| %>
  <%= form.label :tag_list, "Tags" %>
  <%= form.autocomplete_field :tag_list, autocomplete_tag_name_foos_path, :"data-delimiter" => ', ' %>
<% end %>

