Facebook Like 按钮是如何工作的?

2022-01-18 00:00:00 widget iframe javascript facebook

我想提供一个简单的 Javascript(或者我猜是 iframe),它允许第 3 方将我网站的功能嵌入到他们的网站中.所述小部件的用户已经在我们的网站上进行了身份验证 - 所以基本上 Facebook 的 Like 按钮或 Facebook Connect 是我能找到的最接近的例子.

I want to provide a simple piece of Javascript (or an iframe, I guess) that allows 3rd parties to embed functionality from my site in theirs. The user of said widget will be authenticated on our site already - so basically the Facebook Like button, or Facebook Connect, are the closest examples I could find.

由于 Facebook 有几个不同的按钮,但我很难准确理解它们在做什么.在某处是否有简洁的(和技术性的——我是一名开发人员并想构建自己的小部件)解释?我特别关注所涉及的安全问题.

Since Facebook has a few different buttons I'm struggling to understand exactly what they're doing though. Is there a succinct (and technical - I'm a developer and want to build my own widget) explanation somewhere? I'm particularly focused on the security issues involved.


这里 是对 facebook 'like' 按钮的简要说明,这里 是关于如何构建 Web 小部件的教程.最后这里是关于网络小部件安全性的讨论.

Here is a brief explanation of the facebook 'like' button and here is a tutorial on how to build a web widget. Finally here is a discussion on the security of web widgets.
