未定义的函数初始化标记输入引导程序 3

2022-01-18 00:00:00 tags jquery javascript twitter-bootstrap

我正在尝试为 bootstrap 3 实现 TagInput 但是当我尝试初始化它,它给了我一个错误 Uncaught TypeError: Property 'undefined' of object #<TagsInput>不是函数

I'm try to implement TagInput for bootstrap 3 but when i try to inizialize it, it give me a error Uncaught TypeError: Property 'undefined' of object #<TagsInput> is not a function


<script src='<?php echo base_url() ?>resources/js/jquery-1.7.2.min.js' type='text/javascript'></script>

<script src='<?php echo base_url() ?>resources/js/bootstrap.js' type='text/javascript'></script>

<script src='<?php echo base_url() ?>resources/js/bootstrap-tagsinput.js' type='text/javascript'></script>

<script> $('.tagplayer').tagsinput();</script>


<input type="text" class="tagplayer">




I got the same problem. May the author forgot to test after some revision. Open bootstrap-tagsinput.js, and at the last line you can see the following code;

   $(function() {
       $("input[data-role=tagsinput], select[multiple][data-role=tagsinput]").tagsinput();

如你所见,在这段js代码中,调用了tagsinput()函数.因此,包括您在代码中对 tagsinput() 的调用,对 tagsinput() 的调用有 2 次.

As you can see, in this js code, tagsinput() function is called. Hence, including your call to tagsinput() in your code, there are 2 calls to tagsinput().

因此,在第 357 行,将 tagsinput() 函数注册为 jquery 插件,初始化失败.

As a result, at line 357 where registering tagsinput() function as a jquery plugin, the initializing is failed.


To solve this, comment upper code. (But maybe you can use some functionalties, but not importan

无论如何,您也需要包含 bootstrap-tagsinput.css.

Anyway, you need to include bootstrap-tagsinput.css too.
