HTML 首字母缩写词“span"是什么意思?代表?

2022-01-18 00:00:00 tags semantics html xhtml markup

我猜 <div> 可能实际上代表:division",因为它通过分隔前后的内容在文档中创建了一个部门.我说的对吗?

I guess that <div> might actually stand for: "division" since it creates a division in the document by separating content before and after it. Am I right?

但是 <span> 的含义有点模糊.我对此进行了一些谷歌搜索,发现了一些有趣的选项:Super Passive Analyzer Node"、SPAce Node"、Simple Plain Access Node".

But <span> is a little bit more obscure on its meaning. I made some googling on this and found some interesting options: "Super Passive Analyzer Node", "SPAce Node", "Simple Plain Access Node".

有谁知道 <span> 的正确首字母缩写词吗?

Does anyone know the right acronym for <span>?


很难弄清楚 HTML4 的创造者们在想什么,而 SPAN 正是在这里首次出现的.我追踪了标准的原始草案,但没有任何内容命名,只是一个定义:

Pretty hard to find out what was going on in the minds of the creators of HTML4, where SPAN first appeared. I tracked down the original draft of the standard, but there is nothing said about the naming, only a definition:

SPAN 是一个内联元素,可用于段落、列表项、等当您想为一组单词分配类或语言信息时.SPAN 不能用于对块级元素进行分组.SPAN 没有固有的对渲染的影响,直到您应用样式,例如,通过样式属性,或链接样式表.


It's probably just derived from the verb 'to span'. But I would like to have found a reference:)

同样来自 HTML4 规范(这次是 最新的):

每个版本的 HTML 都试图反映行业参与者之间更大的共识,以便内容提供商的投资不会被浪费,并且他们的文档不会在短时间内变得无法阅读.

因此,SPAN 元素可能首先被某个浏览器支持,之后被其他浏览器接管,最终成为标准.所以 10 分给能够命名该浏览器并生成该浏览器开发人员的 199 倍 IRC 聊天日志的人:)

Therefore, the SPAN element was probably first supported by a certain browser, after which it was taken over by other browsers and eventually adopted as a standard. So 10 points to the one who can name that browser and produce 199x IRC chat logs of that browser´s devs:)
