如何跳过自动生成的结尾</tag>在我的 IDE 中,无需将手从键盘上移开(或使用箭头键)?


OK, lets just do a case in point, but before that, a simple key.

"*" means "this is where the cursor is".
"**" means "this is where we'd like the cursor to be able to 'jump' to"


Now assume you or I need to write some code, lets say we're not really even thinking that hard and might even be copying down someone else's code. We're patient, but in a hurry. OK, so you're writing this...

<div class="subject show"> 
#ok, the ">" and "" were pregenerated, but I didn't need to skip, next line

我们立即遇到了问题.是的,我的 IDE 自动为我的 h2 标签生成了结束标签,这很棒,但是当我完成定义它时,如何跳过括号?

and immediately we meet the issue. Yes, it is great that my IDE automatically generated the end tag for my h2 tag, but when I get finished defining it, how do I skip outside of the bracket?

<h2>Show Subject*</h2>**


If my cursor were where that single asterisk is, how might I auto-skip to the place where two asterisks are? What would that even be called? That is essentially my question here. I assume the answer will be very short and simple. Here a couple more examples to pound the point in.

在同一个 html.erb 文件中继续...

Continuing on in the same html.erb file...

  <table summary="Subject detail view">

所以在这里,我的 IDE(我也使用的 RubyMine、Aptana 和大多数其他编辑器一样做类似的事情)执行得很漂亮,自动生成结束标记,我只需要稍后再进行处理.完成输入名称"后,我遇到了下一个障碍.同样,我被困在 * 但想跳到 ** 而不会受到太多干扰.

So here, my IDE (RubyMine, Aptana which I also use does similar stuff, as do most other editors) performs beautifully, automatically generating end tags which I will only need to move beyond later on. I run into the next snag after finishing typing "Name". Again, I'm stuck at * but want to jump to ** without too much disruption.


By now I think I've made my point. I love this community and know some of you know how to get around this. It's a challenge itself just to describe what it is we're even doing here! I'd call it "jumping over the automatically generated end tag", but Google is not sympathetic to this query as of yet.


尝试按 End 键,会跳到行尾.

Try pressing the End key, That will skip to the end of the line.

