我们可以给 <div><li>内

2022-01-18 00:00:00 tags html-lists html layer

我们可以在 un order list 标记中给出 div 标记吗......它将是这种格式

can we give div tag within un order list tag.............. it will be in this format




很多人说列表项内的划分是不正确的,但根据 W3C 验证器,它完全没问题.不过,您永远不会发现我将分区放入列表项中.列表的格式太畸形,无法在其中放入额外的块级元素.

There are a lot of people that say a division inside a list item is incorrect, but according to the W3C validator it is perfectly fine. You'll never catch me putting divisions inside a list item though. Lists are too malformed to be putting additional block-level elements inside them.
