
2022-01-18 00:00:00 tags html ckeditor

每次我在 CKEditor 窗口中输入 <> 时,保存,然后返回,CKEditor 会用括号内输入的内容替换它们以及随附的结束标签.例如:如果我输入 <configuration details>,CKEditor 将假定它是一个 HTML 标签并将 <configuration details></configuration details> 放在 html 源代码中,因此从文本中完全删除它.啊!

Every time I enter < or > in a CKEditor window, save, and then come back to it, CKEditor replaces them with whatever was typed within the brackets and the accompanying end tag. For example: if I type <configuration details>, CKEditor will assume it is an HTML tag and put <configuration details></configuration details> in the html source, thus stripping it out altogether from the text. Argh!





The only workaround I've found so far is to use


这实际上可以正确处理转义与未转义的 html,因此您的 <和>将正确显示为小于号和大于号,而不是被解释为标记.

This actually handles escaped vs. unescaped html correctly, so your < and > will come out correctly, as less-than and greater-than signs, instead of being interpreted as markup.

我还没有找到一种方法来让它与内联数据一起工作.setData() 解决方法非常笨拙.

I haven't found a way to get this to work with inlined data yet. The setData() workaround is pretty clunky.
