<b>和 <i>标签曾经被弃用吗?

2022-01-18 00:00:00 tags html deprecated


(This is more of a curiousity question than any pending disaster :D )

所以 <b>和 <i> 标签从网络开始时就已经存在(我假设).但是现在我们有了 CSS 和许多人提出风格的 html 标签".它们是风格标签,但它们确实不是那么糟糕,因为它们使我们不必制作 <span class="bold"> 一大堆时间,减少下载时间.鉴于它们不占用太多空间,易于使用,可能对屏幕阅读器、搜索引擎和其他不太关心文档外观的应用程序有用,删除它们会破坏 TONShtml 代码,我猜可能不是,但我还是想提出这个话题.:)

So the <b> and <i> tags have been around since near the beginning of the web (I assume). But now we have CSS and many people apposing "stylistic html tags." They are stylistic tags, but they're really not so bad, as they save us from having to make a <span class="bold"> a whole bunch of times, reducing download times. Seeing as they don't take up much space, are easy to use, can possibly be useful to screen-readers, search engines, and other applications that don't care much about how a document looks, and removing them would break TONS of html code, I'm guessing probably not, but I still wanted to bring up the topic. :)


如果你最终做了很多 <span class="bold"> 你没有正确使用任何一个 span,也不是 class 名称.类名应该告诉你标签 是什么,而不是它看起来像什么.

If you end up doing <span class="bold"> a lot you are not correctly using either span, nor class names. Class names should tell you what the tag is, not what it looks like.

<b><i> 的正确替换是 <strong><em>,它们应该用来注意里面的特定文本与周围的文本具有不同的含义.

The correct replacement for <b> and <i> are <strong> and <em>, and they should be used to note that the specific text inside has a different meaning than the surrounding text.

更新:<b><i><strong>的新规范, 在 HTML 5 下发布

Update: New specification for <b>, <i>,<strong>,<em> released under HTML 5

在 HTML5 中,<b><i><strong><em>.按指定使用它们.

In HTML5 <b> and <i> have specific meaning as do <strong> and <em>. Use them all as specified.

4.6.2 em元素:

em 元素表示其内容的重音.

The em element represents stress emphasis of its contents.

4.6.3 strong元素:

strong 元素代表其内容的强烈重要性、严肃性或紧迫性.

The strong element represents strong importance, seriousness, or urgency for its contents.

4.6.16 i元素:

i 元素表示 [...] 与正常散文 [...] 的其他偏移,例如分类名称、技术术语、[...].

The i element represents [...] otherwise offset from the normal prose [...], such as a taxonomic designation, a technical term, [...].

4.6.17 b元素:

b 元素表示为了实用目的而引起注意的一段文本 [...],例如文档摘要中的关键词、评论中的产品名称 [...].

The b element represents a span of text to which attention is being drawn for utilitarian purposes [...], such as key words in a document abstract, product names in a review [...].
