
2022-01-18 00:00:00 title tags html css


I was wondering if there is a way to give a page title a different color and font in the page tab. Something like:

title{ color: red; font: 12px tahoma;} 

只是觉得添加到网站会很有趣.我尝试了上述方法,但它在我的 CSS 文件中不起作用.还尝试给它一个 class="title" 给它一个 CSS 样式 .title{ color: red;font: 12px tahoma;} 但这也不起作用.

Just thought it would be fun to add into sites. I tried the above and it didn't work in my CSS file. Also tried giving it a class="title"giving it a CSS style of .title{ color: red; font: 12px tahoma;} but that didn't work either.


答案是 NO 你不能以任何方式这样做......你不能将任何样式应用于页面标题,顺便说一句你可以只是闪烁标题

Answer is NO you cannot do that in any way....you cannot apply any styles to page title, btw you can just blink the titles


有关您正在使用的 CSS 的更多信息:

More Info On CSS Which You Are Using:


If you are declaring something like this

title{ color: red; font: 12px tahoma;} 

您不需要定义任何类,因为您针对的是整个文档中只有 1 个的特定标题标签

You don't need to define any class as you are targeting specific title tag which is only 1 in your whole document

如果您使用的是 .title,那么您的 CSS 应该是

And if you are using .title than your CSS should be

.title{ color: red; font: 12px tahoma;} 
