
2022-01-18 00:00:00 tags html styles

使用 <BR/> 标签有时是不是很糟糕?

Is it sometimes bad to use <BR/> tags?

我之所以这么问,是因为我的开发团队给我的第一个建议是:不要使用 <BR/> ;相反,使用样式.但为什么?使用 <BR/> 标签会产生负面影响吗?

I ask because some of the first advice my development team gave me was this: Don't use <BR/> ; instead, use styles. But why? Are there negative outcomes when using <BR/> tags?



The main reason for not using <br> is that it's not semantic. If you want two items in different visual blocks, you probably want them in different logical blocks.

在大多数情况下,这意味着只使用不同的元素,例如 <p>Stuff</p><p>Other stuff</p>,然后使用 CSS 来分隔块正确退出.

In most cases this means just using different elements, for example <p>Stuff</p><p>Other stuff</p>, and then using CSS to space the blocks out properly.

在某些情况下 <br> 在语义上是有效的,即换行符是您发送的数据的部分的情况.这实际上仅限于 2 个用例 - 诗歌和邮寄地址.

There are cases where <br> is semantically valid, i.e. cases where the line break is part of the data you're sending. This is really only limited to 2 use cases - poetry and mailing addresses.
