JavaScript localStorage 对象在 Windows 7 上的 IE11 中损坏

Internet Explorer 11(Windows 7 版本)中的 localStorage 对象包含某些函数的字符串表示,而不是您所期望的本机调用.

The localStorage object in Internet Explorer 11 (Windows 7 build) contains string representations of certain functions instead of native calls as you would expect.

这只会与普通 JavaScript 中断,像 JSFiddle 这样的网站对此代码没有问题,但我怀疑这是因为有 localStorage 可以纠正它.

This only breaks with vanilla JavaScript and sites like JSFiddle have no problem with this code but I suspect it's because there are localStorage polyfills in place that correct it.


Take this HTML page code for example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  localStorage.setItem('test', '12345');

这在我安装的所有浏览器中都运行良好,除了 IE11.第一行 'SCRIPT5002: Function expected' 出现错误.

This works perfectly well in all my installed browsers except for IE11. An error occurs on the first line 'SCRIPT5002: Function expected'.


Taking a look at what type the setItem function actually is in the IE developer tools console, states that it's a string...?

    typeof localStorage.setItem === 'string' // true

打印出 setItem 的字符串显示如下:

Printing out the string for setItem displays the following:

"function() {
var result;
callBeforeHooks(hookSite, this, arguments);
try {
result = func.apply(this, arguments);
} catch (e) {
callExceptHooks(hookSite, this, arguments, e);
throw e;
} finally {
callAfterHooks(hookSite, this, arguments, result);
return result;


Oddly enough, not all functions have been replaced with strings, for example, the corresponding getItem function is indeed a function and works as expected.

    typeof localStorage.getItem === 'function' // true

将文档模式(模拟)更改为 10 或 9 仍然不能解决问题,并且都会导致相同的错误.将文档模式更改为 8 会出现以下错误对象不支持此属性或方法",这是预期的,因为 IE8 不支持 localStorage.

Changing the document mode (emulation) to 10 or 9 still doesn't resolve the problem and both result in the same error. Changing the document mode to 8 gives the following error 'Object doesn't support this property or method' which is expected since IE8 doesn't support localStorage.

是否有其他人在 Windows 7 上遇到与 IE11 相同的问题,其中 localStorage 对象似乎损坏/损坏"?

Is anyone else having the same issue with IE11 on Windows 7 where the localStorage object seems 'broken/corrupt'?


原来这是 Windows 7 SP1 的基本版本 IE11 (11.0.9600.16428) 中的问题.

Turns out this is a problem in the base version of IE11 (11.0.9600.16428) for Windows 7 SP1.

安装补丁后更新到11.0.9600.16476(更新版本 11.0.2 - KB2898785)问题得到解决.可以在 补丁下载页面.

After installing a patch to update to 11.0.9600.16476 (update version 11.0.2 - KB2898785) the issue gets resolved. Links to other versions of Windows (32-bit etc.) can be found at the bottom of the patch download page.
