
2022-01-17 00:00:00 http-headers html filenames

我通过将标题 Content-disposition 设置为 inline;

I'm forcing a download to be handled by the browser by setting the header Content-disposition to inline;

有没有办法这样设置标题?目前看起来浏览器会自动填充文件的 URL.

Is there a way of setting the title this way? Currently it looks like the browser auto-fills it with the URL of the file.


是的,你可以像 content-disposition: attachment 一样指定文件名,比如:p>

Yes, you can specify the filename just like you'd do for content-disposition: attachment, i.e. like this:

Content-disposition: inline; filename="foo.bar"


See this post for some useful information about this header: How to encode the filename parameter of Content-Disposition header in HTTP?
