HTML5 从图像生成视频

我想知道,既然 HTML 和 javascript 一起令人着迷,那么 HTML5 中是否有解决方案可以从许多图像生成视频文件?

i'm wondering, since HTML and with javascript are mesmerizing together, if there is a solution in HTML5 to generate a video-file from many images?


For example, you're able to load a video into a canvas and make it appear as greyscaled video, by manipulating the canvas. However, I would like to know, if there is somewhat a method to generate a video-file out of that greyscaled version. Would make sense, if you want to send the video via whatsapp etc.



目前还没有内置的 API 可以在 HTML5 中进行视频编码.正在进行中,以允许基本的视频和音频录制 - 但它不是目前可用(音频录制在 FireFox 中可用 - 它也仅限于 流).

There are currently no built-in API to do video encoding in HTML5. There are work in progress though, to allow basic video and audio recording - but it's not available at this time (audio recording is available in FireFox - it is also limited to streams).

如果您对 gif 动画没问题,您可以使用其中一个编码器将帧编码为 gif(见下文).

If you are OK with gif animation you can encode the frames as a gif using one of the encoders out there (see below).

对于视频 - 有一些尝试,或多或少成功,(我想到的项目似乎不再可用)但从一个浏览器到另一个浏览器都有问题.

For video - there has been attempts, more or less successful, (the project I had in mind does not seem to be available anymore) but there has been issues from one browser to another.


There is the option of building an encoder yourself low-level style, following video encoding and file format specifications. It's doable but it's not a small project.


In any case, encoding video is a pretty performance hungry task even for native compiled applications. Running such a task in the browser will be a even more slow process and probably not practical for many users (and mobile devices will suck on those batteries).

IMO 更好的方法(目前至少在上述 API 可用之前)是将图像发送到服务器并让服务器在后面处理编码作业,然后将结果发送到客户端.这样您就可以使用多线程、卸载客户端、使用原生编译的编码器(例如 ffmpeg),并且可以将生成的视频流式传输回来.

The better approach IMO (at the moment at least, until the aforementioned API becomes available), is to send images to server and have a server in the back handling encoding jobs, then send the result to client. This way you can use multi-threading, offload the client, use native compiled encoders such as ffmpeg, and the resulting video can be streamed back.


  • MediaStream 录制 API
  • Gif 编码器 1
  • Gif 编码器 2 (NodeJS)
  • HTML5 视频录制信息和状态
  • 实时视频编码器 (NodeJS/ffmpeg)
  • libvpx(需要 emscripten/asm.js)
