
2022-01-17 00:00:00 text canvas html html5-canvas


Is it possible to write image on canvas and write text with background? For example like this:



很遗憾,您不能使用 text 方法生成带背景的文本 - 只能填充或勾勒文本本身.

How text works in canvas

Unfortunately no, you can't produce text with background with the text methods - only fill or outline the text itself.


This is because the glyphs from the typeface (font) are converted to individual shapes or paths if you want, where the background of it would be the inner part of the glyph itself (the part you see when using fill). There is no layer for the black-box (the rectangle which the glyph fits within) the glyph is using besides from using its geometric position, so we need to provide a sort-of black-box and bearings ourselves.


On the old computer systems most fonts where binary font which where setting or clearing a pixels. Instead of just clearing the background one could opt to provide a background instead. This is not the case with vector based typefaces by default (a browser has direct access to the glyphs geometry and can therefor provide a background this way).


In order to create a background you would need to draw it first using other means such as shapes or an image.


ctx.fillRect(x, y, width, height);

ctx.drawImage(image, x, y  [, width, height]);


ctx.fillText('My text', x, y);

您可以使用 measureText 来找出文本的宽度(将来还有高度:上升 + 下降)并将其用作基础:

You can use measureText to find out the width of the text (in the future also the height: ascend + descend) and use that as a basis:

var width = ctx.measureText('My text').width; /// width in pixels


You can wrap all this in a function. The function here is basic but you can expand it with color and background parameters as well as padding etc.

/// expand with color, background etc.
function drawTextBG(ctx, txt, font, x, y) {

    /// lets save current state as we make a lot of changes        

    /// set font
    ctx.font = font;

    /// draw text from top - makes life easier at the moment
    ctx.textBaseline = 'top';

    /// color for background
    ctx.fillStyle = '#f50';
    /// get width of text
    var width = ctx.measureText(txt).width;

    /// draw background rect assuming height of font
    ctx.fillRect(x, y, width, parseInt(font, 10));
    /// text color
    ctx.fillStyle = '#000';

    /// draw text on top
    ctx.fillText(txt, x, y);
    /// restore original state


请注意,这种测量"方式高度不准确.您可以使用临时 div/span 元素测量字体的高度,并在为其设置字体和文本时从中获取计算的样式.

Just note that this way of "measuring" height is not accurate. You can measure height of a font by using a temporary div/span element and get the calculated style from that when font and text is set for it.
