
2022-01-17 00:00:00 javascript html html5-canvas



如何在 HTML5 中做到这一点?drawImage 函数(据我所知)仅适用于矩形(采用 x、y、宽度和高度值),因此我不能使用不规则形状.该解决方案必须适用于每个现代浏览器,所以我不想要基于 webgl 或其他东西的东西.



所以这里有一个绝招:你可以使用 context2d 的常规 drawImage 在三角形内绘制纹理.

• 自己计算绘制图像所需的变换.
• 剪辑到三角形,因为 drawImage 会绘制一个四边形.
• 具有正确变换的drawImage.


但是还有一个技巧:在绘制右下三角形时,纹理读取应该从纹理的右下部分开始,然后向上和向左移动.这不能在 Firefox 中完成,它只接受 drawImage 的正参数.所以我计算了第一个点与其他两个点的镜像",我可以再次在常规方向上绘制——剪裁将确保只绘制正确的部分——.


I found images that depict what is my problem:

User will able to choose four points on canvas to crop the part of image and than stretch it.

How to do that in HTML5? drawImage function (as I know) works only with rectangles (takes x, y, width and height values) so I can't use irregular shape. The solution have to work in every modern browser, so I don't want things based on webgl or something.

EDIT: More info: this will be app for editing pictures. I want to let user cut some part of bigger picture and edit that. It will be similar to Paint, so canvas is required to edit pixels.


So here's a killing trick : You can use the regular drawImage of the context2d to draw a texture inside a triangle.
The constraint is that the texture coordinates must be axis-aligned.

To draw a textured triangle you have to :
• Compute by yourself the transform required to draw the image.
• Clip to a triangle, since drawImage would draw a quad.
• drawImage with the right transform.

So the idea is to split your quad into two triangles, and render both.

But there's one more trick : when drawing the lower-right triangle, texture reading should start from the lower-right part of the texture, then move up and left. This can't be done in Firefox, which accepts only positive arguments to drawImage. So i compute the 'mirror' of the first point vs the two others, and i can draw in the regular direction again -the clipping will ensure only right part is drawn-.

fiddle is here :


function rasterizeTriangle(v1, v2, v3, mirror) {
    var fv1 = {
        x: 0,
        y: 0,
        u: 0,
        v: 0
    fv1.x = v1.x;
    fv1.y = v1.y;
    fv1.u = v1.u;
    fv1.v = v1.v;
    // Clip to draw only the triangle
    ctx.moveTo(v1.x, v1.y);
    ctx.lineTo(v2.x, v2.y);
    ctx.lineTo(v3.x, v3.y);
    // compute mirror point and flip texture coordinates for lower-right triangle
    if (mirror) {
        fv1.x = fv1.x + (v3.x - v1.x) + (v2.x - v1.x);
        fv1.y = fv1.y + (v3.y - v1.y) + (v2.y - v1.y);
        fv1.u = v3.u;
        fv1.v = v2.v;
    var angleX = Math.atan2(v2.y - fv1.y, v2.x - fv1.x);
    var angleY = Math.atan2(v3.y - fv1.y, v3.x - fv1.x);
    var scaleX = lengthP(fv1, v2);
    var scaleY = lengthP(fv1, v3);
    var cos = Math.cos,
        sin = Math.sin;
    // ----------------------------------------
    //     Transforms
    // ----------------------------------------
    // projection matrix (world relative to center => screen)
    var transfMatrix = [];
    transfMatrix[0] = cos(angleX) * scaleX;
    transfMatrix[1] = sin(angleX) * scaleX;
    transfMatrix[2] = cos(angleY) * scaleY;
    transfMatrix[3] = sin(angleY) * scaleY;
    transfMatrix[4] = fv1.x;
    transfMatrix[5] = fv1.y;
    ctx.setTransform.apply(ctx, transfMatrix);
    // !! draw !!
    ctx.drawImage(bunny, fv1.u, fv1.v, v2.u - fv1.u, v3.v - fv1.v,
    0, 0, 1, 1);

Edit : i added the relevant comment of @szym , with his example picture :

This only sort of looks right. If there are any straight lines in the original image you will see that each triangle is warped differently (2 different affine transforms rather than a perspective transform).
