
2022-01-17 00:00:00 javascript html html5-canvas web-worker


Are web workers allowed to access a canvas object?



Small update, as the question is now more than half a year old:

在 Chrome/Chromium 6 中,您现在可以将画布的 ImageData 对象发送给网络工作者,让网络工作者对对象进行更改,然后使用 putImageData(..) 将其写回画布.

In Chrome/Chromium 6 you can now send a canvas' ImageData object to a web worker, let the web worker make changes to the object and then write it back to the canvas using putImageData(..).

Google 的 Chromabrush 就是这样做的,源代码可以在这里找到:

Google's Chromabrush does it this way, the source-code can be found here:

  • 主线程
  • 网络工作者


Opera (10.70) 和 Firefox (4.0b1) 的最新开发快照也支持将 ImageData 对象传递给 web worker.

The latest development snapshots of Opera (10.70) and Firefox (4.0b1) also support passing ImageData objects to a web worker.

2017 年更新:

来自 Github 的实际链接(从 Chromabrush 更容易找到所需的文件):

Actual links from Github (easier to find needed files from Chromabrush):

  • 向工作人员发送 imageData李>
  • 接收数据
