使用jQuery UI Draggable,使用滚动条时如何避免拖动?

很久以前,我在我的应用程序中创建了一个对话框.对话框非常简单,绝对定位,通过 javascript 在屏幕中居中.

A long time ago I created a dialog box in my application. The dialog is pretty simple, position absolute, centered in the screen via javascript.

现在我已将 jQuery UI 添加到应用程序中,但我不想仅仅因为它们的工作方式不同而使用 jQuery UI 的对话框.但我确实使用 jQuery UI 使我的对话框可拖动,因为它非常简单:

Now I have added jQuery UI to the application but I do not want to use jQuery UI's dialogs just because they work differently. But I did make my dialog draggable using jQuery UI as it is very easy:


但是使用 draggable 方法,如果有滚动条,它会因为拖动对话框而出错.

There is one problem with that, some of my dialogs have scrollbars.
But using the draggable method, if there is a scrollbar, it bugs because it drags the dialog.


Is there a way for the dialog to not drag while using the scrollbar ?
I noticed there are some ways to avoid elements to be dragged, but scrollbars are not elements.




作为一种解决方法,您可以尝试使用 handle 选项 并且只使对话框可以被不可滚动的部分拖动.(标题之类的.)

As a workaround, you could try using the handle option and only make the dialog draggable by the parts that aren't scrollable. (The title or some such.)

@AlexFigueiredo 指出的另一个解决方案仅涉及 将内容/句柄包装在 div 处理大小调整和滚动——这似乎阻止了点击事件被发送到句柄.

Another solution that @AlexFigueiredo pointed out involves just wrapping the content / handle in a div that handles the sizing and scrolling – that seems stop the click event from being sent to the handle.
