无法编译现有项目,因为 Compass 找不到它


I just installed the foundation in my application base directory by executing the following command:

compass create myprojectname -r zurb-foundation --using foundation

现在我打开了 sass/_settings.scss 文件,我取消了第 66 行的注释:

Now I have open the sass/_settings.scss file and I have un-comment the 66th line that is the following:

$include-html-classes: true;

最后,我尝试通过执行以下命令来编译我的基础项目以包含 html 类:

finaly, I try to compile my foundation project in order to include the html classes by executing the following command:

compass compile


but I am getting the following result in my command prompt:

Nothing to compile. If you're trying to starta new project, you have left off the directory argument.
Run "compass -h" to get help.

另外,基于此页面:http://foundation.zurb.com/old-docs/f3/compass.php 我尝试使用以下命令编译我的 scss 代码:

also, based on this page : http://foundation.zurb.com/old-docs/f3/compass.php I try to compile my scss code by using the command:



but again I am getting the same message as with compile argument next to compass.


Note: I am executing the above commands in the same directory I run the first command for the foundation project creationg.

注意:我是 compass、sass、foundation 框架的新手.实际上,今天是我第一次使用它们,所以我不是经验丰富的用户.请善待我:)

Note: I am very new user on compass, sass, foundation framework. Actually, today is the first time I am using them, so I am not expirienced user. Please be kind with me :)


Is there anybody to help me with that ?


当您使用 compass create [directory_name] 时,Compass 在 ./[directory_name] 中创建您的项目相对于当前目录(运行 compass create 没有目录名称会在当前目录中创建项目).为了编译或观看 Compass 项目,您需要执行以下任一操作:

When you use compass create [directory_name], Compass creates your project within ./[directory_name] relative from your current directory (running compass create without the directory name would have created the project in the current directory). In order to compile or watch a Compass project, you need to do either of the following things:

  • 通过 compass compile [path_to_config.rb]
  • 告诉 Compass 你的项目在哪里
  • 切换到config.rb所在目录,运行compass compile

或者,您可以将 config.rb 移动到要运行命令的位置.只需确保编辑在所述文件中配置的目录的路径即可.

Alternately, you could move your config.rb to where you want to run your command. Just make sure you edit the paths to directories configured within said file.
