在哪里托管 Wakanda [客户端/服务器端纯 JS '框架']?
我最近通过博客文章中的参考找到了 Wakanda.它是开发纯 JavaScript 数据驱动应用程序的解决方案 - 客户端和服务器端的 JS.据我测试,该项目看起来很有希望.Wakanda 的 JS framework WAF 是开源的.
I recently found Wakanda by means of a reference in a blog post. It's a solution to develop pure JavaScript data-driven application - JS at the client- and the server-side. As far as I tested it, the project looks promising. Wakanda's JS framework WAF is open-source.
由于我未能在 Wakanda 的网站上找到答案:是否已经有专门的托管服务提供商可用?
Since I failed to find an answer on Wakanda's site: Are there already any dedicated hosting providers available?
目前还没有专用"托管公司(Wakanda 仍处于测试阶段)
There is no "dedicated" hosting company yet (Wakanda is still in beta)
一些 Wakanda 用户一直在使用:
Some Wakanda users have been using:
- 亚马逊 EC2
- 机架空间
- Gandi VPS(查看 TechWireNews 文章)
- Mac Mini vault (见论坛)