如何使用javascript调用Struts2 Action Class方法中的方法

我们目前使用以下 javascript 在其中一个字段值更改时提交表单.

We currently use the following javascript to submit the form when one of the field values change.

var url = "project/location/myAction.action?name="+ lname ; 
document.forms[0].action = url;

调用以下 Struts2 动作

which calls the following Struts2 action

<action name="myAction" class="project.location.NameAction">
    <result name="success" type="tiles">myAction</result>   

然后转到 Action 类 NameActionexecute() 方法,我必须检查表单是否是从 javascript 提交的.

which then goes to the execute() method of the Action class NameAction where I have to check to see if the form was submitted from the javascript.

我更愿意直接从 javascript 调用 NameAction 中的 findName() 方法.换句话说,我希望 javascript 的行为类似于以下 jsp 代码.

I would prefer to call the findName() method in NameAction directly from the javascript. In other words I want the javascript to act like the following jsp code.

<s:submit method="findName" key="button.clear" cssClass="submit" >



There are different ways to achieve what you want, but probably the simpler is to map different actions to different methods of the same action class file, eg. with annotations:

public class NameAction {

    public String execute(){ ... }

    public String findName(){ ... }


或使用 XML:

<action name="myAction" class="project.location.NameAction">
    <result name="success" type="tiles">myAction</result>   

<action name="myActionFindName" class="project.location.NameAction" method="findName">
    <result name="success" type="tiles">myAction</result>   


Then in javascript:

var url = "project/location/myActionFindName.action?name="+ lname ;
