使用 JavaScript 检测时区缩写

2022-01-16 00:00:00 date timezone javascript


I need a way to detect the timezone of a given date object. I do NOT want the offset, nor do I want the full timezone name. I need to get the timezone abbreviation.


For example, GMT, UTC, PST, MST, CST, EST, etc...

这可能吗?我得到的最接近的是解析 date.toString() 的结果,但即使这样也不会给我缩写.它给了我时区的长名称.

Is this possible? The closest I've gotten is parsing the result of date.toString(), but even that won't give me an abbreviation. It gives me the timezone's long name.


如果一切都失败了,您可以简单地使用 长名称和缩写.

If all else fails, you can simply create your own hashtable with the long names and abbreviations.
