使用 each() 方法时的量角器过时元素引用

2022-01-16 00:00:00 protractor javascript

由于在量角器中使用 each() 方法,我收到以下错误.过去它运行良好,但现在一直因此错误而失败.

I am getting the error below as a result of using the each() method in protractor. It has worked fine in the past but is now consistently failing with this error.


Failed: stale element reference: element is not attached to the page document

element.all(bars).each((element) => element.getCssValue('width'))


Is there an alternative or a reason why this might be?

(为了清楚起见,我要做的就是获取一组称为条形图的 web 元素中每个元素的宽度.)

(For clarity, all I want to do is to get the width of each element in a set of web elements called bars.)



感谢所有帮助过的人.如果导致错误,解决方案将重试.由于元素的实时性,元素引用在获得 css 宽度之前就发生了变化.

Thanks to everyone who helped. The solution was retry again if it resulted in error. Due to the realtime nature of the element, the element reference was changing before it had got the css width.
