如何在 Angular 2 中使用量角器?

我在 Angular 1.x 中使用 Protractor.我想逐步迁移到 Angular 2.0,但我没有在文档中看到 Protractor /a>.

自 Angular 2 以来量角器是否已被删除?我应该在不使用 Protractor 的情况下编写测试,而是使用 Jasmine(或其他)吗?


您可以使用 Protractor 测试 Angular 2 应用程序(从 Protractor 2.5.0 开始).p>

对于 Protractor 5.0.0+,您不需要不必做任何具体的事情,Protractor 将自动检测被测应用程序中使用的 Angular 版本.

对于 Protractor >= 2.5.0 和 <= 4.0.14,您只需将 useAllAngular2AppRoots: true 添加到您的配置中.这是一个示例.


请注意,一些内置的 Protractor 匹配器尚不能与 Angular2 一起使用,请参阅:

  • Protractor Angular 2 失败:未知错误:未定义角度


  • 无法运行 Selenium更新到 Angular 2 后通过 Firefox 上的量角器

I use Protractor with Angular 1.x. I would like to migrate to Angular 2.0 step by step but I don't see Protractor in the docs.

Has protractor been dropped since Angular 2? Should I write my tests without using Protractor, using Jasmine instead (or others)?


You can test Angular 2 applications with Protractor (starting from Protractor 2.5.0).

For Protractor 5.0.0+, you don't have to do anything specific, Protractor will auto-detect the Angular version used in the application under test.

For Protractor >= 2.5.0 and <= 4.0.14, you would only need to add useAllAngular2AppRoots: true to your config. Here is a sample.

Note that several built-in Protractor matchers would not yet work with Angular2, see:

  • Protractor Angular 2 Failed: unknown error: angular is not defined

There is also that Protractor+Angular2 problem in Firefox (still unresolved), see:

  • Can't run Selenium via Protractor on Firefox after update to Angular 2
