
我是 Protractor 的新用户,我在使用 Chrome 运行测试时遇到了这个错误(错误显示在已启动浏览器的地址栏下方):

I'm a new user to Protractor, and I encountered this error running my tests using Chrome (error displays beneath the address bar in the launched browser):

您正在使用不受支持的命令行标志 --ignore-certificate-errors.稳定性和安全性将受到影响.

You are using an unsupported command-line flag --ignore-certificate-errors. Stability and security will suffer.

这是我的量角器 conf.js:

Here is my conf.js for Protractor:

exports.config = {

seleniumAddress: 'http://localhost:4444/wd/hub',
capabilities: {
    'browserName': 'chrome'  


另外,我正在使用带有最新可用 Chrome 驱动程序和 Selenium 独立服务器 (2.41.0) 的 Mac.现在,我没有在任何地方设置这个标志,而且我不记得它总是显示,所以我不确定是什么导致了这个问题.

Also, I am using a Mac with the latest available Chromedriver and Selenium standalone server (2.41.0). Now, I haven't set this flag anywhere, and I don't recall it always displaying so I'm not sure what caused this problem.


Any ideas on how to resolve this issue?


如果你使用 Protractor,这可能就是你要找的配置:

If you use Protractor, this is probably the configuration you're looking for:

capabilities : {
    browserName : 'chrome',
    'chromeOptions': {
        args: ['--test-type']
