
就像 Selenium webdriver 为 Java 提供了各种异常处理一样,有什么方法可以使用 Protractor 来实现.

Just like Selenium webdriver provides various Exception handling for Java, is there any way we can achieve same using Protractor.

如果我们想处理 element not found 异常,那么使用 Protractor 最好的方法是什么?

If we want to handle element not found exception, then what is the best way to do it using Protractor?


回答这个问题现在在 Protractor 的常见问题解答中

当命令无法完成时,WebDriver 会抛出错误 - 例如无法单击被另一个元素遮挡的元素.如果您需要重试这些操作,请尝试使用 webdriverjs-retry.如果您只想捕获错误,请这样做

WebDriver throws errors when commands cannot be completed - e.g. not being able to click on an element which is obscured by another element. If you need to retry these actions, try using webdriverjs-retry. If you would just like to catch the error, do so like this


elm.isPresent().then(function(present) {
  /* no webdriver js errors here */}
  if (present) {
    /* element exists */
  } else {
    /* element doesn't exist */
, function(err) {
  /* error handling here, i.e. element doesn't if got ElementNotFound
     but, eventually and less likely, other issues will fall in here too like
     NoSuchWindowsError or ElementStaleError etc...
