如何在 Selenium WebDriver 中获取单个文本节点

我想从标签中获取文本,但没有嵌套标签中的文本.IE.在下面的示例中,我只想从 <small> 标记中获取字符串 183591 并排除文本 Service Request ID:来自 <span> 标签.这不是微不足道的,因为 <span> 标记嵌套在 <small> 标记中.这可以通过 WebDriver 和 XPath 实现吗?

I want to get the text from a tag but without the text from nested tags. I.e. in the example below, I only want to get the string 183591 from inside the <small> tag and exclude the text Service Request ID: from the <span> tag. This is not trivial because the <span> tag is nested in the <small> tag. Is this possible with WebDriver and XPath?


The text in the tag is going to change every time.

<div id="claimInfoBox" style="background-color: transparent;">
<div class="col-md-3 rhtCol">
<div class="cib h530 cntborder">
<h4 class="no-margin-bottom">
<small style="background-color: transparent;">
<span class="text-primary" style="background-color: transparent;">Service Request ID:</span>
<div class="border-bottom" style="background-color: transparent;"></div>
<div id="CIB_PersonalInfo_DisplayMode" class="cib_block">
<div id="CIB_PersonalInfo_EditMode" class="cib_block" style="display: none">
<script type="text/javascript">



You are going to have to use String manipulation. Something like:

// you will need to adjust these XPaths to suit your needs
String outside = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//small")).getText();
String inside = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//span")).getText();

String edge = outside.replace(inside, "");
