将对象设置为 null 时的 JavaScript(ES6)WeakMap 垃圾回收

我刚刚读到 WeakMaps 通过专门使用对象作为键来利用垃圾回收,并且将对象分配给 null 相当于删除它:

I've just read that WeakMaps take advantage of garbage collection by working exclusively with objects as keys, and that assigning an object to null is equivalent to delete it:

let planet1 = {name: 'Coruscant', city: 'Galactic City'};
let planet2 = {name: 'Tatooine', city: 'Mos Eisley'};
let planet3 = {name: 'Kashyyyk', city: 'Rwookrrorro'};

const lore = new WeakMap();
lore.set(planet1, true);
lore.set(planet2, true);
lore.set(planet3, true);
console.log(lore); // output: WeakMap {{…} => true, {…} => true, {…} => true}


Then I set the object equal to null:

planet1 = null;
console.log(lore); // output: WeakMap {{…} => true, {…} => true, {…} => true}

为什么输出相同?难道不应该删除它,以便 gc 可以重用以前在应用程序中占用的内存吗?我将不胜感激.谢谢!

Why is the output the same? Wasn't it supposed to be deleted so that the gc could reuse the memory previously occupied later in the app? I would appreciate any clarification. Thanks!



Garbage collection does not run immediately. If you want your example to work you need to force your browser to run garbage collection.

使用以下标志运行 chrome:google-chrome --js-flags="--expose-gc".

Run chrome with the following flag: google-chrome --js-flags="--expose-gc".

您现在可以通过调用全局 gc() 方法来强制进行垃圾回收.

You can now force the garbage collection by calling the global gc() method.
