使用 CSS 或 jQuery 样式化 HTML 表单列表框

2022-01-16 00:00:00 select listbox jquery html css


I want to simply change the colors and define the edges of a multiple line select box, or list box.


I have seen a few threads on similar subjects, but not quite the solutions I am looking for. I need to be able to:

  • 更改元素的悬停颜色
  • 更改元素的选择颜色
  • 更改边框
  • 样式侧边滑块(非必需)

我想我可能不得不使用 JS(如果可能的话,通过 jQuery),但我更愿意使用 CSS.

I think I might have to use JS (via jQuery, if possible), but would much rather use CSS is I can.



仅使用 CSS 是不可能做到这一点的.看看这个插件:github.com/vladfr/jquery-coolmultiple

there is no possibility to do this just with CSS. Take a look at this plugin: github.com/vladfr/jquery-coolmultiple
