如何在 Javascript 中删除 HTTP 特定的标头

是否可以在发送 http 消息之前使用 javascript/XmlHttpRequest 删除一些特定的 http 标头?

Is it possible to, before sending a http message, remove some specific http headers using javascript / XmlHttpRequest ?


I'm using a proprietary browser, so there's no way to do it using browser specific solution.


For example, I want to remove the header 'Authorization' before send the message

POST /social/rpc?oauth_version=1.0& ... HTTP/1.1

Accept: text/html, image/png, image/*, */*
Accept-Language: ko
Authorization: Basic Og==
Host: test.myhost.com



假设您的浏览器支持,您可以使用 XmlHttpRequest 对象的 setRequestHeader 方法,它是 W3C 规范.IE也实现了.

You could use the setRequestHeader method of the XmlHttpRequest object assuming your browser supports it, It is part of the W3C spec. It is also implemented by IE.

var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "");
