查看正在进行的 AJAX 调用的简单方法是什么?

2022-01-15 00:00:00 debugging xmlhttprequest javascript ajax

我正在寻找可以让我查看所有 AJAX 子请求的东西(最好是 Firefox 扩展).基本上,每当创建 XMLHTTPRequest() 时,我都想知道请求的 URL 以及随之传递的 GET 和 POST 变量(如果有的话).

I'm looking for something (preferably a Firefox extension) which will allow me to see all AJAX subrequests. Basically, anytime an XMLHTTPRequest() is made, I want to know what URL was being requested and what (if any) GET and POST vars were passed along with it.

除非我错过了它,否则我在 Firebug 或 Web Developer Toolbar 中看不到类似的东西.

Unless I'm missing it, I don't see anything quite like this in Firebug or Web Developer Toolbar.

(如果你很好奇,想要这个的主要原因是我想抓取一个使用 JS 加载其所有内容的网站的本地副本,我不想花当我只能看到正在发出的子请求时,我花了几个小时挖掘他们的 JS 代码.)


Firebug 应该在 Net 面板中显示它.

Firebug should show it in the Net panel.

编辑:另外,如果 Firebug 以某种方式降低 Firefox 的速度,使其无法使用,就像有时对我一样,WireShark(以前称为 Ethereal)将分析您系统上的所有网络流量,包括 HTTP 和 AJAX 请求.

EDIT: Also, if Firebug slows down your Firefox in a way that makes it unusable, like it does for me sometimes, WireShark (formerly Ethereal) will analyze all network traffic on your system, including HTTP and AJAX requests.
