
我需要在浏览器中打开一个本地 html 文件.javascript 工作正常,但 ajax 停止工作,并且 XMLHttpRequest 给出了跨源错误.有没有办法从本地目录运行 ajax.我有必要只从本地文件运行它.

I need to open a local html file in the browser. The javascript works fine but ajax stops working and XMLHttpRequest gives a cross origin error. Is there a way to run ajax from local directory. It is necessary for me that it is run from local file only.



对于任何想知道的人,我必须在应用程序中运行一个服务器来提供 js 文件.似乎不运行服务器就不可能做到这一点.如果有人知道另一种方法,请告诉.

For anyone who wants to know, I had to run a server in the app to serve the js files. Seems like it's not possible to do it without running a server. If anyone knows of another way, do tell.
