Google Chrome 扩展中的网页抓取(JavaScript + Chrome API)

使用 JavaScript 和任何其他可用技术执行 从 Google Chrome 扩展程序中对当前未打开的标签页进行网页抓取 的最佳选项是什么?也接受其他 JavaScript 库.

What are the best options for performing Web Scraping of a not currently open tab from within a Google Chrome Extension with JavaScript and whatever more technologies are available. Other JavaScript-libraries are also accepted.

重要的是掩盖抓取行为,使其表现得像正常的网络请求.没有 AJAX 或 XMLHttpRequest 的迹象,例如 X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequestOrigin.

The important thing is to mask the scraping to behave like a normal web-request. No indications of AJAX or XMLHttpRequest, like X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest or Origin.

必须可以从 JavaScript 访问抓取的内容,以便在扩展程序中进行进一步操作和呈现,最有可能作为字符串.

The scraped content must be accessible from JavaScript for further manipulation and presentation within the extension, most probably as a string.

在任何 WebKit/Chrome 特定的 API 中是否有任何钩子可用于发出正常的网络请求并获取操作结果?

Are there any hooks in any WebKit/Chrome-specific API:s that can be used to make a normal web-request and get the results for manipulation?

var pageContent = getPageContent(url); // TODO: Implement
var items = $(pageContent).find('.item');
// Display items with further selections


Bonus-points to make this work from a local file on disk, for initial debugging. But if that is the only point is stopping a solution, then disregard the bonus-points.


尝试使用 XHR2 responseType = "document" 并使用 (new DOMParser).parseFromString(responseText, getResponseHeader("Content-Type"))a href="" rel="noreferrer">我的 text/html 补丁.有关我如何检测 responseType 的示例,请参阅 "document 支持(在从 text/html blob 创建的对象 URL 上同步检查 response === null).

Attempt to use XHR2 responseType = "document" and fall back on (new DOMParser).parseFromString(responseText, getResponseHeader("Content-Type")) with my text/html patch. See for an example of how I detect responseType = "document support (synchronously checking response === null on an object URL created from a text/html blob).

使用 Chrome WebRequest API 隐藏 X-Requested-With 等标题.

Use the Chrome WebRequest API to hide X-Requested-With, etc. headers.
