如何在用户脚本中处理多个 AJAX 结果?

我目前正在开发一个 Greasemonkey 脚本来翻译 Intranet 应用程序中的 <textarea> 字段,使用 Google Translation API.

I'm currently developing a Greasemonkey script to translate <textarea> fields in an Intranet app, using Google Translation API.


But some texts are way too large to be translated with only one request. I get this error when trying :



Anyway, I found a way to cut the texts in fragments, and send them in separate requests. Where it gets tricky, is how I should replace those fragments in their original textareas, and especially at the right place.


After trying several methods without any success, I inserted placeholders in the textarea, corresponding to the fragments of text that have to be translated :


但是现在在我的 XHR 的成功回调中,我必须用翻译后的文本替换占位符.问题是,我的 XHR 在 for 循环中,遍历包含原始文本片段的表,当请求完成时,循环很长,我不知道如何获取把翻译放在哪里.

But now in the success callback of my XHR, I have to replace the placeholder with the translated text. The thing is, my XHR is inside a for loop, iterating over my table containing the fragments of original text, and when the requests finish, the loop is long finished and I don't know how to get where to put the translation.


//Array text[] contains the fragments of original text
var translated_text = [];
var l = text.length;
for(var i = 0; i < l; i++)
var fullurl = apiurl+encodeURIComponent(text[i]);
    method: 'GET',
    url: fullurl,
        'User-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible) Greasemonkey',
        'Accept': 'application/atom+xml,application/xml,text/xml',
    onload: function(responseDetails)
        var destination = "{"+i+"}";
        if(responseDetails.status == 200)
            var data = $.parseJSON(responseDetails.responseText);
            translated_text[i] = data.responseData.translatedText.replace(/&quot;/g,""").replace(/&#39;/g,""").replace(/&gt;/g,">");
            alert('Request Failed : '+responseDetails.status+"
Error : "+responseDetails.statusText);

PS : 我不能使用 jQuery 的 AJAX 方法,因为这是一个跨域请求,所以这里不能使用新的 $.when 功能(遗憾)

PS : I cannot use jQuery's AJAX methods, because this is a Cross Domain request, so the new $.when functionality cannot be used here (sadly)


更新:使用较新版本的 Greasemonkey 和 Tampermonkey,您现在可以通过 a contextDoc:

Update: With newer versions of Greasemonkey and Tampermonkey, you can now pass a contextDoc:

GM_xmlhttpRequest ( {
   method:   'GET',
   url:      fullurl,
   context:  i,
   headers:  {
               'User-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible) Greasemonkey',
               'Accept': 'application/atom+xml,application/xml,text/xml',
   onload:   function (responseDetails) {
                var destination = "{" + responseDetails.context + "}";  // context is `i`
                if (responseDetails.status == 200) {
                   var data           = $.parseJSON (responseDetails.responseText);
                   translated_text[i] = data.responseData.translatedText.replace (/&quot;/g,""")
                                      .replace (/&#39;/g,""").replace (/&gt;/g,">")
                   textarea.text (textarea.text ().replace ("{"+i+"}",translated_text[i]) );
                else {
                   alert (
                      'Request Failed : '+responseDetails.status+"
Error : "
                      + responseDetails.statusText
} );


对于其他/较旧的平台,要使用 i 的值,您需要 将其包装在 JavaScript 闭包. 一种方法是:

For other/older platforms, to use the value of i, you need to wrap it in a JavaScript closure. One way to do do that is:

( function (i)  {
   GM_xmlhttpRequest ( {
      method:   'GET',
      url:      fullurl,
      headers:  {
                  'User-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible) Greasemonkey',
                  'Accept': 'application/atom+xml,application/xml,text/xml',
      onload:   function (responseDetails) {
                   var destination = "{"+i+"}";
                   if (responseDetails.status == 200) {
                      var data           = $.parseJSON (responseDetails.responseText);
                      translated_text[i] = data.responseData.translatedText.replace (/&quot;/g,""")
                                         .replace (/&#39;/g,""").replace (/&gt;/g,">")
                      textarea.text (textarea.text ().replace ("{"+i+"}",translated_text[i]) );
                   else {
                      alert (
                         'Request Failed : '+responseDetails.status+"
Error : "
                         + responseDetails.statusText
   } );
} ) (i);
