“getElementById 不是函数"尝试解析 AJAX 响应时?

我正在运行 GM_xmlhttpRequest(在 Greasemonkey 脚本中)并将 responseText 存储到新创建的 HTML 元素中:

I'm running GM_xmlhttpRequest (in a Greasemonkey script) and storing the responseText into a newly created HTML element:

var responseHTML = document.createElement('HTML');
onload: function() { responseHTML.innerHTML = response.responseText; }

然后我试图在 responseHTML:



The first works fine, but not the second. Any ideas?


getElementById 不是 HTML 元素的方法.它是文档节点的一个方法.因此你不能这样做:

getElementById is not a method of HTML elements. It is a method of the document node. As such you can't do:

div.getElementById('foo'); // invalid code

您可以通过递归遍历 children 来实现自己的函数来搜索 DOM.在较新的浏览器上,您甚至可以使用 querySelector 方法.对于最小的开发,您可以使用 jQuery 或 sizzle.js(jQuery 背后的查询引擎)等库.

You can implement your own function to search the DOM by recursively going through children. On newer browsers you can even use the querySelector method. For minimal development you can use libraries like jQuery or sizzle.js (the query engine behind jQuery).
