XHR HEAD 请求是否有可能不遵循重定向 (301 302)

是否可以发送 xhr HTTP HEAD 请求以仅获取第一个请求的标头响应,而不像重定向一样自动遵循 301、302?我只对获取 url 的新位置感兴趣.示例:

Is it possible to send an xhr HTTP HEAD request to only get header response for the first request and not automatically follow 301, 302 like redirects? I'm only interested in getting the new location of the url. Example:

var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onreadystatechange = function(data) {
    if (xhr.readyState == 4) {
        if (xhr.status == 301 || xhr.status == 302) {
            // Get new location url don't GET it
xhr.open('HEAD', url, true);

http://www.w3.org/TR/XMLHttpRequest/#infrastructure-for-the-send-method 似乎指定应遵循请求,有没有办法阻止它?

http://www.w3.org/TR/XMLHttpRequest/#infrastructure-for-the-send-method seems to specify that requests should be followed, is there a way to stop this?



There isn't, this isn't exposed behavior you can stop.

这是因为 您已经链接的规范,指定的行为是 XmlHttpRequest 应该透明地遵循重定向...不幸的是,在幕后,而不是你可以阻止的方式.

It's because of the spec you linked already, the specified behavior is that XmlHttpRequest should transparently follow redirects...under the covers unfortunately, and not in a way you can prevent.


It's this way to try and make things easier, if resources move, etc...but when it was designed and the spec laid out, all these redirection services weren't out there. There just wasn't a strong need for any other behavior or ability to prevent it, I think with as many redirects hitting the web not we'll see the ability added, but who knows when every browser would support it.
