流行的浏览器允许多少并发 AJAX (XmlHttpRequest) 请求?

2022-01-15 00:00:00 browser xmlhttprequest ajax

在 Firefox 3 中,答案是每个域 6 个:一旦对同一域的第 7 个 XmlHttpRequest(在任何选项卡上)被触发,它就会排队等待其他 6 个完成.

In Firefox 3, the answer is 6 per domain: as soon as a 7th XmlHttpRequest (on any tab) to the same domain is fired, it is queued until one of the other 6 finish.


What are the numbers for the other major browsers?

另外,是否有办法绕过这些限制而无需我的用户修改他们的浏览器设置?例如,jsonp 请求的数量是否有限制(使用脚本标签注入而不是 XmlHttpRequest 对象)?

Also, are there ways around these limits without having my users modify their browser settings? For example, are there limits to the number of jsonp requests (which use script tag injection rather than an XmlHttpRequest object)?

背景:我的用户可以从网页向服务器发出 XmlHttpRequest,要求服务器在远程主机上运行 ssh 命令.如果远程主机关闭,ssh 命令需要几分钟才能失败,最终阻止我的用户执行任何进一步的命令.

Background: My users can make XmlHttpRequests from a web page to the server, asking the server to run ssh commands on remote hosts. If the remote hosts are down, the ssh command takes a few minutes to fail, eventually preventing my users from performing any further commands.



One trick you can use to increase the number of concurrent connections is to host your images from a different sub domain. These will be treated as separate requests, each domain is what will be limited to the concurrent maximum.

IE6、IE7 - 有两个限制.如果您有宽带,则 IE8 为 6 - 2(如果是拨号上网).

IE6, IE7 - have a limit of two. IE8 is 6 if you have a broadband - 2 (if it's a dial up).
