XmlHttpRequest 状态 0 而不是 IE 10 中的 401

我遇到了这个问题.我想这是某种 IE 错误,但我想确定一下.

所以问题是.为什么 IE10 XmlHttpRequest.status 返回 0 而不是 401?

var xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=函数(){如果(xmlhttp.readyState==4){document.getElementById("rescode").innerHTML="请求完成,状态为:"+xmlhttp.status;}}xmlhttp.open("GET","http://hosting.gregy.cz/cors/",true);xmlhttp.send();


此代码触发 CORS 请求,该请求始终返回 401.Firefox 和 chrome 在状态属性中正确返回 401,但 IE10 返回 0.此问题破坏了我用于项目的身份验证处理方法.


我已经用 onload 和 onerror 事件处理程序修改了 plunker(来自 monsur 评论的提示),但结果仍然相同.

我还确定 IE10 没有选择兼容模式.(来自 cernunnos 评论的提示)


这似乎是 IE10 中的一个错误 (https://connect.microsoft.com/IE/feedback/details/785990/ie-10-on-win8-does-not-assign-the-correct-status-to-xmlhttprequest-when-the-result-is-401).

IE10 将 HTTP 状态 401 视为网络错误.控制台显示:

SCRIPT7002:XMLHttpRequest:网络错误 0x80070005,访问被拒绝

根据 XMLHttpRequest Level 2 规范,如果设置了错误标志(例如由于网络错误),状态属性应该为零.然而,该规范还声明(http://www.w3.org/TR/XMLHttpRequest2/#infrastructure-for-the-send-method) 网络错误


不包括指示某种类型错误的 HTTP 响应,例如作为 HTTP 状态码 410.

我认为很明显 HTTP 状态 401 不应因此被视为网络错误(因为它不在 Chrome、Firefox 和 Safari 中)并且这是 IE10 中的错误.

I have hit a wall with this issue. I guess it is some kind of IE bug but I want to be sure.

So the question is. Why does IE10 XmlHttpRequest.status returns 0 instead of 401?

var xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();

  if (xmlhttp.readyState==4)
      document.getElementById("rescode").innerHTML="Request completed with status: "+xmlhttp.status;

See plunker here: http://plnkr.co/edit/E2lCflPDHHaQi7t79IeM?p=preview

This code fires a CORS request which always returns 401. Firefox and chrome correctly return 401 in status attribute but IE10 returns 0. This issue breaks authentication handling methods I use for my project.

Thank you


I have modified the plunker with onload and onerror event handlers (tip from monsur's comment), but the result is still the same.

I have also made sure IE10 has no compatibility mode selected. (tip from cernunnos's comment)


This appears to be a bug in IE10 (https://connect.microsoft.com/IE/feedback/details/785990/ie-10-on-win8-does-not-assign-the-correct-status-to-xmlhttprequest-when-the-result-is-401).

IE10 is treating HTTP status 401 as a network error. The console shows:

SCRIPT7002: XMLHttpRequest: Network Error 0x80070005, Access is denied

According to the XMLHttpRequest Level 2 specification the status attribute should be zero if the error flag is set (for example because of a network error). However the specification also states (http://www.w3.org/TR/XMLHttpRequest2/#infrastructure-for-the-send-method) that a network error

does not include HTTP responses that indicate some type of error, such as HTTP status code 410.

I think it is clear that HTTP status 401 should not therefore be treated as a network error (as it is not in Chrome, Firefox and Safari) and that this is a bug in IE10.
