错误:process_metrics.cc 未实现错误

最近,我们开始在运行 Protractor 测试时在控制台上收到此类警告:

Recently, we've started to get these kind of warnings on the console when running Protractor tests:

[12252:14584:1207/223118.187:ERROR:process_metrics.cc(105)] NOT IMPLEMENTED
[12252:14584:1207/223118.187:ERROR:process_metrics.cc(105)] NOT IMPLEMENTED
[12252:14584:1207/223318.188:ERROR:process_metrics.cc(105)] NOT IMPLEMENTED


It feels like they happen randomly but doesn't affect the test execution.

唯一的问题是它们污染了输出控制台,使得跟踪正在执行的测试和 jasmine/protractor 报告的测试结果变得更加困难.

The only problem is that they pollute the output console making it more difficult to keep track of tests being executed and test results reported by jasmine/protractor.

有没有办法关闭这种 chromedriver 警告?

Is there a way to turn off this kind of chromedriver warnings?

使用 Protractor 5.2.2、ChromeDriver 2.34.

Using Protractor 5.2.2, ChromeDriver 2.34.

我们发现这个 --silent 标志可以传递给 chromedriver 可执行文件,但找不到配置量角器以在启动 chromedriver 时传递此标志的方法..

We've found this --silent flag that can be passed to chromedriver executable, but could not find a way to configure protractor to pass this flag when launching chromedriver..


好像是chrome v63的问题

It seems to be an issue with chrome v63

