knockout.js - 模式的延迟数据绑定?

我正在使用 knockout.js 来显示员工列表.我在页面上有一个隐藏的模式标记.当单击单个员工的详细信息"按钮时,我想将该员工数据绑定到模式弹出窗口.我正在使用 ko.applyBindings(employee, element) 但问题是当页面加载时,它期望模态开始时绑定到某些东西.

I am using knockout.js to display a list of employees. I have a single hidden modal markup on the page. When the "details" button for a single employees is clicked, I want to data-bind that employee to the modal popup. I am using the ko.applyBindings(employee, element) but the problem is when the page loads, it is expecting the modal to start off as bound to something.


So I'm wondering, is there a trick/strategy to do a late/deferred databinding? I looked into virtual bindings but the documentation was not helpful enough.



我会创建另一个包裹员工的 observable.

I would create another observable that wraps the employee.

this.detailedEmployee = ko.observable({}),

var self = this;
this.showDetails = function(employee){
    $("#dialog").dialog("show"); //or however your dialog works

将点击附加到 showDetails.然后你可以在页面加载时调用 applyBindings.

Attach the click to showDetails. Then you can just call applyBindings on page load.
