如何在 jQuery UI 对话框上设置包含?

是否可以在 jQuery UI 的 Dialog?

Is it possible to add containment (confining to the boundary of another element) to jQuery UI's Dialog?



You could target the dialog box and apply a containment to it. Try this:

var container = $('.dialog-container'),
    dialog = $('.ui-dialog');
// get container top left corner locations
var cx1 = container.offset().left,
    cy1 = container.offset().top;
// get dialog size
var dw = dialog.outerWidth(),
    dh = dialog.outerHeight();
// get container bottom right location, then subtract the dialog size
var cx2 = container.width() + cx1 - dw,
    cy2 = container.height() + cy1 - dh;
dialog.draggable( "option", "containment", [cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2] );

我为您设置了 一个演示.
Edit2:更改为使用对话框外宽度 &外部高度

I set up a demo for you.
Changed to use dialog outerWidth & outerHeight
