JavaScript 确认取消按钮不停止 JavaScript

2022-01-15 00:00:00 dialog javascript confirm


I have a delete button that is tied to some comments on a page i have. When you click the delete button i am trying to get a confirm dialog box to pop up asking if you are sure you want to delete the comment. Clicking OK should run the function to delete the comment and clicking cancel should not run the function but simply close the dialog box.


onclick="confirm('Are you sure that you want to delete this comment?'); commentDelete(1);"

我的问题:当我点击取消删除功能仍然运行.我的猜测是该函数仍在被调用,因为当我单击取消时,它只是在 JavaScript 中前进并调用该函数.我怎样才能正确地做到这一点?我知道这可能是一个简单的问题.感谢您的帮助!

My problem: When i click cancel the delete function still runs. My guess is that the function is still getting called because when i click cancel it just is stepping forward in the JavaScript and calling the function. How can i accomplish this correctly? I know this is probably a simple problem. Thanks for any help!


onclick="if (confirm('Are you...?')) commentDelete(1); return false"

您缺少 if.在您的版本中,首先您会收到一个问题,然后无论答案如何,您都会调用 commentDelete.

You are missing an if. In your version, first you get a question, and then regardless of the answer, you call commentDelete.
